Blair Stotesbury,  CPA, CGA
When you need more than just numbers . . . 
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Accounting Services

Preparation of Financial Statements as governed by CPA Ontario’s standards of practice; Income Tax returns and related reporting; financial forecasts; etc.


Part-Time/Contract Controllership 

Many small businesses do not need a full time controller, but need more than just basic bookkeeping services.

As the owner or manager of a growing business, you may find yourself in need of more expertise and advice than a bookkeeping service can offer, but not ready for a full time financial controller.  I can help fill the gap that many growing businesses are faced with by providing added insight and analysis to help you better manage your costs, cash-flow, and other financial aspects of your business.


Small Business Financing

With my extensive experience dealing with financing requests for small businesses, both in the field and on the credit desk, I have an excellent understanding of what it takes to get a loan approved.  I can use that expertise to assisting clients to secure financing, by preparing their business plans & financial forecasts, and, if need be, accompanying them when they meet with prospective lenders.


Bookkeeping Services

I have a strong working relationship with an established bookkeeping firm for the provision of:

 General Bookkeeping; Payroll; Statutory Remittance preparation and related services.